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Bluact competition in Galați makes further steps

A small step for URBACT, a huge step for Bluact partners in Galați, this is how the BluAct project activities could be described in October 2020.

After a rather long period in which the events within the Danube Growth Initiative competition were suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic, in October the competition took off and made important steps.

After the 2 Hackathons organised last year, the next event took place on October 8, 2020, when Preparation Day was organized, as an online session dedicated to preparing participants to support presentations of business ideas in the field of Blue Economy. The event was attended by 6 finalist teams out of the 9 declared admitted in the next stages of the competition.

Furthermore, on October 15th, the most awaited moment, the Demo Day event took place with great commitment from participants and ULG members. In a cordial atmosphere, the participants had the opportunity to present their business ideas in the Blue Economy field.

The winner of the competition was the Danube EcoSoap team, which presented a product made from used oils for the manufacture of organic soap. Second and third places were awarded to the Blue Urban Aquaponic Farms team - aquaponic system for urban fish production and the team that developed the application PescApp - the virtual knife of fishermen.

The next phase of the competition - the Incubation Programme will take place between November and December 2020. The Incubation consists in providing specialized assistance by experts to the winners, to prepare the business plan for launching a start-up in the Blue Economy field.


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