Services for the maturity of an entrepreneurial idea.
For the optimization of the results of the employment of new technologies, Blue Lab provides services for the maturity of the ideas and their evolvement into business enterprises. These services appeal to groups of potential entrepreneurs, scholars or individuals who are planning to absorb ventures with a high rate of investment in the sector of the Blue Economy, and who are willing to mature their entrepreneurial ideas and to be transformed into business enterprises.
The goal of these services is the changeover from the experimentation and the production of new innovative products, to the creation of business opportunities and the development of business schemes in the fields of the Blue Economy.
These services are provided in 3 stages:
After the conclusion of the procedure of selecting the beneficiaries, in each circle of Blue Lab’s services provision, the Center actualizes a diagnosis of the need for advocacy, using a structured questionnaire and a personal interview. By using these methods, the team at Blue Lab defines the needs of the beneficiaries and configures, in collaboration with each beneficiary, the supporting plan for the upcoming months.
The beneficiaries, according to the diagnosis of the needs for support, which took place in the previous stage, follow a flexible series of seminars for consulting orientation. These seminars amplify their capability for specialization/maturity of their ideas into business enterprises. These seminars are 8 hours each (two 4-hour sessions) and they provide know how, exemplars and business tools, covering different themes.
Simultaneously, or/and as an extension of the versatile consulting orientation of the previous stage, the beneficiaries collaborate, according to their needs, with the entrepreneurial consultants of Blue Lab. This collaboration has a goal to help the beneficiaries to mature to specialize their idea (from a business scope), in order to be transformed into a business enterprise. The provision of the personalized services takes place through personalized meetings/sessions, supporting the group of beneficiaries.