Transformative Mindset Course
Module 11.
Mobilising Research and Fostering Innovation
David Poland
The Rural Hub

General Information
Duration of module: 2 hours
Module structure: Each module should contain five types of materials: informative, teaching, consolidating, activating, checking
Teaching method: Direct Instruction
Aims and Objectives
This Module aims to provide Local Authorities’ and NGOs’ staff with:
An introduction to the EU Horizon Initiative
Basic knowledge of the European Green Deal
Knowledge of how mobilizing research and fostering innovation can achieve the EU Green Deal objectives
Relevant best practices and success stories that can be implemented on a local level
Extra material for those who wish to obtain further and deeper knowledge
Circular economy: According to the World Economic Forum “A circular economy is an industrial system that is restorative or regenerative by intention and design. It replaces the end-of-life concept with restoration, shifts towards the use of renewable energy, eliminates the use of toxic chemicals, which impair reuse and return to the biosphere, and aims for the elimination of waste through the superior design of materials, products, systems, and business models. ”
Horizon Europe: According to the European Commission Horizon Europe is the EU’s key funding programme for research and innovation that tackles climate change, helps to achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and boosts the EU’s competitiveness and growth.
EU Research and Innovation Partnerships: The European Commission defines European Partnerships bring the European Commission and private and/or public partners together to address some of Europe’s most pressing challenges through concerted research and innovation initiatives.
EU Missions: EU Missions are a new way to bring concrete solutions to some of our greatest challenges by putting research and innovation into a new role, combined with new forms of governance and collaboration, as well as by engaging citizens.
Framework: a basic structure underlying a system, concept, or text.
Absorbent Hygiene Products (AHPs): According to the European Commission Absorbent hygiene products (AHP) is a broad category of products that includes baby nappies, sanitary protection pads, tampons, adult incontinence products and personal care wipes.
Transformative: causing a marked change in someone or something

Case Study 1:
Introduction: E-FERRY is a 100% electric battery-powered ferry, running on surplus energy from wind turbines.
Only 4-8 years before higher investment cost of new e-ferry turns into savings by low operational costs.
Why is it important?
Ferries are often the biggest polluters in coastal areas. Electric ferries could contribute to cleaner air and lower pollution.
In Europe, about 80% of ferry travel can be covered within a 40km range. Ellen can sail 40km between each charge.
Impact Achieved
Ellen is saving 2000 tonnes of CO2 per year compared to a boat powered by non-renewable energy.

Case Study 2:
Introduction: EMBRACED collects and recycle used nappies and turns them into high-value new materials.
See the graphic for practical examples
Absorbent Hygiene Products (AHPs) have become essential everyday products to society and their use has increased substantially.
Why is it important?
AHPs represent approx. 2-4% of the total Municipal Solid waste and it’s considered a non-recyclable fraction, which is usually incinerated or landfilled.
Impact Achieved
Project follows a circular economy approach, closing the cycle of raw materials and minimizing the use of primary resources.

Additional materials & sources of information
EU Horizon Magazine https://ec.europa.eu/research-and-innovation/en/horizon-magazine
European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, E-FERRY : ever thought about ships’ co2 emissions?, Publications Office, 2021, https://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2777/11070
SUPEERA (2020). The European Green Deal: what role for energy research? https://www.eera-set.eu/component/attachments/?task=download&id=360:SUPEERA-Webinar_Slide-deck_final
Dirty Diaper Recycling Project Brings Nappies into the Circular Economy https://waste-management-world.com/artikel/dirty-diaper-recycling-project-brings-nappies-into-the-circular-economy/
Sustainable nappies for eco-friendly generations https://www.youris.com/bioeconomy/biotechnology/sustainable-nappies-for-eco-friendly-generations.kl
Info package on e-ferry http://eferryproject.eu/Portals/0/InfoPackage/eFerry_Information_Package.pdf
E-ferry video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0Gt-R_JW_E
World Economic Forum. From linear to circular—Accelerating a proven concept: https://reports.weforum.org/toward-the-circular-economy-accelerating-the-scale-up-across-global-supply-chains/from-linear-to-circular-accelerating-a-proven-concept/?doing_wp_cron=1646751287.3790481090545654296875
United Nations Industrial Development Organisation. Circular Economy Practices: https://www.unido.org/our-focus-cross-cutting-services/circular-economy