Transformative Mindset Course
Module 2.
Supplying clean, affordable and secure energy
Dario Ferrante
PRISM Impresa Sociale srl, Italy

Objectives of the training module include:
getting familiar with the concept of clean, affordable and secure energy;
understanding why it is important to shift towards clean, affordable and secure energy in our cities;
representing green and renewable energies as fundamental elements of the UE Green Deal strategy;
importance of producing clean and secure energy by families and local administrations;
showing examples and good practices of production of renewable energies at family and city level.
Training module
explain the fundamentals of producing clean, affordable and secure energy
provide a rationale for climate change mitigation and propose actions by producing clean and secure energy
access a wide range of resources to build on the skills and knowledge developed in the field of renewable energies
Renewable energy is energy that is collected from renewable resources that are naturally replenished on a human timescale. It includes sources such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves, and geothermal heat. Renewable energy stands in contrast to fossil fuels, which are being used far more quickly than they are being replenished. Although most renewable energy sources are sustainable, some are not. For example, some biomass sources are considered unsustainable at current rates of exploitation .
Clean energy is energy that comes from renewable, zero emission sources that do not pollute the atmosphere when used, as well as energy saved by energy efficiency measures.
Energy security is the association between national security and the availability of natural resources for energy consumption. Access to (relatively) cheap energy has become essential to the functioning of modern economies. However, the uneven distribution of energy supplies among countries has led to significant vulnerabilities. International energy relations have contributed to the globalization of the world leading to energy security and energy vulnerability at the same time.

Case Study 1:
Conto Energia,
Conto Energia (Energy Account System) is a European operating incentive programme for the production of electricity from solar sources using photovoltaic systems permanently connected to the electricity grid (grid connected). The incentive consists of a financial contribution per kWh of energy produced for a certain period of time (up to 20 years), which varies according to the overall size or type of plant and up to an overall ceiling of MWp of power generated by all the plants or to a maximum amount that can be incentivized
Five versions of Conto Energia in Italy
As said before, in Italy, from 2005 to 2013, there were five different incentive programmes in the Conto Energie, each overcoming, updating or redefining the previous one. The 5th energy account ended on 6 July 2013 without the issue of a new incentive plan on the energy produced, but replaced by tax relief on the cost of the solar panels.
How it worked in Italy
The incentive on solar energy production has the purpose of stimulating the installation of photovoltaic systems with the effect and advantage of guaranteeing, together with the parallel coverage (partial or total) of its electricity consumption and the sale of any energy surplus produced by the 'plant itself, a shorter recovery time for plant costs or initial investment capital (payback period) and subsequent greater earnings.
The first energy account (2005-2007)
Unlike in the past, in which the incentive for the use of renewable sources took place through the assignment of non-repayable sums, thanks to which the private individual could limit the initial invested capital, the mechanism of the energy account is instead comparable to a loan, as it does not provide for any particular State facilitation for the installation, service or operation of the plant
The mechanism of the Conto Energia
The principle that underpins the mechanism of the energy account consists in encouraging electricity production and not the investment necessary to obtain it: the private owner of the photovoltaic system receives sums continuously, typically monthly, for the first twenty years of the solar panels’ life. A necessary condition for obtaining the incentive rates is that the solar panels are connected to the electricity network (grid connected) and their nominal size is greater than 1 kWp. Photovoltaic systems intended for isolated users and not reached by the electricity grid (stand-alone systems) are not incentivized by the energy account
The first Conto Energia
The maximum annual ceiling for installations, modified by ministerial decree of February 2006, was set at 85 MWp, as per the following table, which also shows the amount of the incentive in € / kWh.

The success of the first Conto Energia
Made operational on 19 September 2005, the first Conto Energia had an unexpected success, depleting in just 9 working days the amount of plants that could be financed according to the Ministry up to 2012, of 100 MWp. With the decree of February 2006, the incentivized capacity was increased from 300 to 1 000 MW until 2015 (but in reality the first energy account ends with applications in 2010).
As stated by the GSE (Electric Service Authority) itself in a press release, the data relating to the applications presented from 19 September 2005 to 31 December 2005 were:
11915 requests received for a total of 345.5 MWp;
9121 requests approved for a total of 266 MWp.
This success beyond all expectations, according to some would have represented the proof of the needs of the market which had been neglected for too long in previous legislatures
In Italy, thanks to the introduction of the Conto Energia and incentives for the production of clean energy, the produced amount of renewable energies has been constantly growing:

Case Study 2:
Energy and Solidarity Community of East Naples
The first energy community in Southern Italy
The energy revolution started from the eastern outskirts of Naples. The first renewable and solidarity energy community in Italy was started. A project that required an investment of about 100 thousand euros, funded by the Foundation with the South, promoted by Legambiente and the local community starting from the fundamental role of the Holy Mary Family Foundation and the 40 families with social hardships involved in the energy community and who will enjoy of the benefits of this new energy system
Energy and Solidarity Community of East Naples
The first energy community in Southern Italy
The project will see families also involved in a process of raising awareness and greater awareness of energy issues, in order to make the benefits of the community more efficient
At the service of the energy community a 53 kW photovoltaic system built on the roof of the Holy Mary Family Foundation, capable of producing about 65 thousand kWh of electricity, partly consumed by the structure itself and partly shared with the 40 families involved. It is also estimated that it will be able to generate real savings, in terms of less electricity consumed by all members of the ESC (Energy and Solidarity Community), equal to approximately 300 thousand euros in 25 years

Case Study 3:
City of Ferla (Sicily)
There are several interventions of energy requalification in favour of a nursery school and first grade school. In particular, a total of 11 square meters of thermal insulation and 116 kW of photovoltaics were installed to cover the thermal and electrical needs of respectively 26% and 36%
A heat pump system equipped with a controlled start-up system of compressors was built at the primary school, in order to reduce current consumption by 40% in the start-up phase. The system is also equipped with a remote control and monitoring system for the purpose of scheduling interventions

The interventions, all at no cost for the institution, however, do not only affect school buildings, 4 other photovoltaic systems were also built on public structures for a total of 185 kW. Thanks to these plants every year it is possible to produce about 550,000 kWh / year of electricity which on average are able to satisfy about 40% of the needs of public structures thus guaranteeing the municipality considerable economic savings as well as receiving a contribution from the GSE for exchange adjustment equal to just over 10,000 euros for 2016 and 27,000 euros for 2017. From an environmental point of view, in this way they manage not to emit approximately 292 t / year of CO2 into the atmosphere